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Rector appointment for 2019 – 2025 term: first polls will open at sant’anna school headquarters ON tuesday 26 and wednesday 27 February 2019

Publication date: 15.02.2019
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Voters will head to the polls on 26 - 27 February 2019 on the Sant'Anna School Rector election for 2019-2025 term. The Polling Station is located at Sant’Anna School headquarters building (piazza Martiri della Libertà) in Pisa.

Senior Dean Giovanni Dosi, who is responsible for the election process, announced the three candidates who submitted their statement: Piero Castoldi, Professor in Telecommunication Systems at the Sant’Anna School TeCIP Institute, Eugenio Guglielmelli, Professor of Biomedical and Rehabilitation Engineering at the Università Campus Bio-Medico – Rome and Sabina Nuti, Professor of Business and Economics at the Sant’Anna School Institute of Management.

Highlighting the critical role played by Sant’Anna School to enhance the quality of research and higher education across Italy and the world, Professor Dosi has thanked the candidates running for rector in 2019 as Pierdomenico Perata’s term expires on May 7.

Timetable for the election is as follows:

26 - 27 February 2019 - first round;

5 - 6 March 2019 - second round;

26 - 27 March 2019 - third round (upon the authorization of the Electoral Board other candidates may submit nomination papers);

2 - 3 April 2019 - ballotage or fourth round vote.

Full information about the election process can be found here.